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Instagram will be stopped?BlackBerry Sues Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, Alleging Patent Infringement.Apps latest news



Instagram will be stopped?BlackBerry Sues Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, Alleging Patent Infringement.Apps latest news


I don’t understand details by just this sentence, Instagram app be stopped,
or it just a request to stop the part related to the message? If Instagram stop, it will be a big problem…


BlackBerry Sues Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, Alleging Patent Infringement – Variety


Mobile-technology firm BlackBerry has sued Facebook, along with its Instagram and WhatsApp subsidiaries, charging that the social giant has co-opted BlackBerry’s mobile-messaging technology.

BlackBerry is seeking an injunction that would effectively force Facebook to shut down applications and websites including Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp Messenger, and Instagram. In addition, BlackBerry is asking for unspecified monetary damages “including an enhancement of damages on account of Defendants’ willful infringement,” according to the lawsuit filed Tuesday in a California federal court.




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