Diary EyeEm Sold Photos/Earnings

I sold photos on “EyeEm Market”.Shibuyascapes(Shibuya station and Shibuya crossing:Birds eye view)/Escalator of Futuristic mood/People walking Shibuyacrossing at rainy night(Blurred motion).EyeEm earnings log/EyeEmPaid



I sold photos on “EyeEm Market”.Shibuyascapes(Shibuya station and Shibuya crossing:Birds eye view)/Escalator of Futuristic mood/People walking Shibuyacrossing at rainy night(Blurred motion).EyeEm earnings log/EyeEmPaid


Sold photographies on EyeEm in June 2018.

I sold these photos on EyeEm market






Escalator:$25USD / other 2 photos $10 USD x 2


I’m adding sold tweet toX(旧X(旧Twitter)) moment.check this out

I’m adding tweet about sold photos on EyeEm/Getty Images/Snapmart/Twenty20/Adobe stock/etc. I’m glad If you feel useful my information.of cource.

please let me know,If you’d like to buy my photos..I can sell photos directly;)







Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

Twitter常駐。ストックフォトグラファー/ブロガー。インスタグラム/Twitterを中心にSNSの新機/アップデート最新情報を配信中。写真素材EyeEm/Getty Images/イメージナビ/Adobe Stock/スナップートなどで販売中です。その他各種製品本音レビュー掲載