EyeEm My Stats ベルリン Photo Competitions Stock Photo Site Shibuya

My photo is display at Berlin Travel Festival now!My Shibuya snowy night photo was selected one of winner of EyeEm Mission”An Eye For Travel” with Berlin Travle Festival!




My Shibuya snowy night photo(Header image) was selected one of winner of EyeEm Mission”An Eye For Travel” with Berlin Travle Festival!


Prize is ticket of Berlin Travel Festival and display at EyeEm booth of event.

Berlin Travel Festival



If you read this article and plan to join the Berlin Travel Festival, please take a my display photo!;) I want to watch it.


And I got the ticket(free ticket code) for this event as a prize, but I can not go so I tweeted, I should give it to someone,


But it already expired of the free code…
On 3rd March I received an award and a free code by e-mail and I replied shortly after receiving an e-mail from EyeEm or something like transferring.
but I don’t get reply from EyeEm yet…lol

There are similar prizes that I won another EyeEm Mission (it seems like Berlin’s concert pair ticket can be gotten)
But I don’t go to Berlin difficult for me.
so if you interest it, follow my twitter.I’ll tweet about that ticket when the time comes 😉






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買う理由は雰囲気が9割 ~最強のインフルエンサーマーケティング~

Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

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