I was interviewed by COPYTRACK and the article was published on COPYTRACK website in Japanese at last month.This time, that interview article was translated in English and Deutsch.
I talk about below.
- about my theme:”From My Umbrella” cityscape at rainy night.
- about my theme:屍華 -Shinibana-(Everything that has a beginning has an end…)について:枯れ花シリーズ
- about using COPYTRACK
My interview in Japanese
不完全な美しさを撮り続けるKoukichi Takahashiさん
My interview in English
“I Think a lot Photographers Suffer from Photo Theft” | Interview with Koukichi Takahashi
My interview in Deutsch
"Ich glaube, dass Bilderklau ein Problem für sehr viele Fotografen ist!"
Lest jetzt unser neues Interview mit… https://t.co/pxxMFxPmzZ— COPYTRACK (@COPYTRACK) November 2, 2017
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- アサヒカメラ 2017年 02 月号
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