iPhone Time-lapse movie “Shibuyascapes at rainy night” that edit by using Adobe Lightroom & After Effects.
iPhone7 タイムラプス動画撮影 + Adobe Lightroomでクイック現像
This movie was taken by using iPhone7 and Time-lapse.
I have noticed it recently that I can edit the movie by Adobe Lightroom.
so, I used my preset(for photography) that edit movie.
EyeEm Videographyにアップなら画質はそこまで気にする必要はないかも
Noise and finer things of course I can not be satisfied, but EyeEm recomend mobile photography.on the assumption that it upload to EyeEm, In that sense I think no problem.
This time, I’m making edits to video that I usually do on the photo, but I think EyeEm likes VSCO style editing, so I also accept the feeling of putting in a noise or grain to produce a classic feeling.
So, even if a little noise is entered, the poor image quality can be recovered by including the atmosphere in the edit.
I’d like to try out various things, and I would like to focus on moving pictures in the future.
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recently I found out that there are cameras such as 4K60fps compatible or 6K compatible w
I do not need 6K I thought, but when it comes to stock photography it is wanting to cut out jpg at 6 K and consider using it … but camera…lenses, too expensive…xo
パナソニック「LUMIX GH5」の4K/60p動画&「6K PHOTO」撮影レポート – 価格.comマガジン https://t.co/bOxgOzq2CT— Koukichi Takahashi (@Koukichi_T) October 11, 2017
>4Kで撮影しながらFHD動画に変換することで、カメラを動かさずにパン/ズームイン/ズームアウトの処理を加えることが可能な「4Kライブクロップ」や、一定速度で… https://t.co/bOxgOzq2CT— Koukichi Takahashi (@Koukichi_T) October 11, 2017
- 世界初「4K60p動画記録&4:2:2 10bit 4K30p動画記録」 プロフェッショナル動画性能
- Panasonic ミラーレス一眼カメラ ルミックス GH5 DC-GH5-K