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My pic was selected “Why We Need to Fight for the Environment, in 21 Photos” collection on #500px blog



My pic was featured for Collection “Why We Need to Fight for the Environment, in 21 Photos” on 500px blog!!Thanks a lot!


Why we need to fight for the environment, in 21 photos


It’s easy to understand why we should fight for the environment, but tough to visualize it. The 500px community rose to the challenge for the Earth Hour Quest, capturing the spirit of the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment.






I do not know exactly where shooted this, but probably I taken from an airplane where between Frankfurt to Berlin.



This is the second time my photo was featured in 500px blog.

my photo was chosen as Editors Choice, and featured twice in the blog articles, and selected for visual inspiration of the contest “Rain” too.

I’m so glad.I will continue to upload photos to 500px in the future!







Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

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