Snapmart Sold Photos/Earnings

I sold “Shot by smartphone at Shibuyacrossing”photo on Snapmart!!



A company bought my photo “Shooting by smartphone at Shibuyacrossing” !!

Thank you so much!!




This pic was sold 2 times at this time.

I sold M size photo that is 540 yen and my earnings is 216 yen.(non-flat-rate sales)
I think, this amount is very good in the stock image industry.







Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

Twitter常駐。ストックフォトグラファー/ブロガー。インスタグラム/Twitterを中心にSNSの新機/アップデート最新情報を配信中。写真素材EyeEm/Getty Images/イメージナビ/Adobe Stock/スナップートなどで販売中です。その他各種製品本音レビュー掲載