Giphy TikTok

TikTok launches Gif stickers with Giphy!TikTok/Giphy new features/updates/changes latest news Aug.1 2019


TikTok launches Gif stickers with Giphy!TikTok/Giphy new features/updates/changes latest news Aug.1 2019


Giphy is bringing GIF stickers to TikTok

“TikTok, the app of choice for teens today, is adding another tool to its arsenal: stickers. The short-form video app owned by Bytedance is joining forces with Giphy. Users can add GIF stickers to their videos by simply hitting a button. Many of the stickers are inspired by memes that started on the platform itself, such as the expression “Here’s the Tea” or the Blanco Brown-coined #thegitup.

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TikTok adds Giphy integration to import Stickers and export TikTok memes to the rest of the world | TechCrunch

TikTok is the breakout hit in social media apps at the moment — it’s currently ranked first in entertainment, and 12th overall in terms of download popularity on iOS, and 8th on Android in the US — and today it’s starting a partnership that should give it an even wider profile, with the added benefit of bring another key tool in for creators on the platform to use: the app is now working with Giphy, the GIF platform, to make it possible to import Giphy GIFs, specifically its animated Stickers, into TikTok posts, and at the same time, to be able to create new GIFs for Giphy based on what you are doing in TikTok .


TikTokは、現時点ではソーシャルメディアアプリでブレイクアウトヒットです – それは現在、エンターテイメントで1位、iOSでのダウンロード人気の面で全体的に12位、米国のAndroidで8位です – そして、今日ではそれをさらに広いプロフィを与えるべきパートナーシップを開始していますleは、使用するプラットフォーム上のクリエイターのための別の重要なツールをもたらすという付加的な利点を持つ:アプリは現在、Giphy、GIFプラットフォームと協力して、Giphy GIF、特にアニメーションステッカーをTikTokの投稿にインポートすることを可能にし、同時に、TikTok で何をしているかに基づいて Giphy 用の新しい GIF を作成できるようにします。

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Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

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