Jurassic World Alive(looks like pokemon Go)Universal studio announced AR game app pre-register started!App/Game latest news
Wow!great news;)
I’ll play this!
ユニバーサルスタジオ、ARゲームJurassic World Alive(ジュラシック・ワールド・アライブ)発表!ポケモンGOみたいなやつhttps://t.co/OBwiTNW08j
— KT (@Koukichi_T) March 7, 2018
Official site
@JWorldAlive is bringing your favorite dinosaurs to LIFE this Spring! Pre-register at https://t.co/chKWBANGMw and receive an in-game incubator at launch! #JurassicWorldAlive pic.twitter.com/2BKGwYJ2la
— Jurassic World Alive (@JWorldAlive) March 7, 2018