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#速報 インスタグラム自傷行為助長などへの対策発表。コンテンツ除外、モザイク「センシティブスクリーン」Instagram最新情報2019


先日インスタグラムAdam Mosseri氏が触れたインスタグラムの自傷行為や自殺に関する投稿に対しての対策検討中の話が早速反映。



Changes We’re Making to Do More to Support and Protect the Most Vulnerable People who Use Instagram – Instagram Info Center
Posted on February 07, 2019

What’s changing

We will not allow any graphic images of self-harm, such as cutting on Instagram – even if it would previously have been allowed as admission. We have never allowed posts that promote or encourage suicide or self harm, and will continue to remove it when reported.

We will not show non-graphic, self-harm related content – such as healed scars – in search, hashtags and the explore tab, and we won’t be recommending it. We are not removing this type of content from Instagram entirely, as we don’t want want to stigmatize or isolate people who may be in distress and posting self-harm related content as a cry for help.

We want to support people in their time of need – so we are also focused on getting more resources to people posting and searching for self-harm trelated content and directing them to organizations that can help.

We’re continuing to consult with experts to find out what more we can do, this may include blurring any non-graphic self-harm related content with a sensitivity screen, so that images are not immediately visible.

Instagramでのカットなど、自傷行為のグラフィック画像は許可されません – たとえそれが以前に承認として許可されていたとしても。自殺や自傷行為を助長したり助長したりする投稿は許可されていません。報告された場合は削除します。


私たちは、必要な時に人々を支援したいと思っています – 私たちはまた、自傷行為に関連するコンテンツを投稿したり検索したりする人々に、より多くのリソースを提供します。


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Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

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