EyeEm(アイエム) 写真コンテスト情報

EyeEm Mission:新フォトコンテスト「Paint the Town Yellow 」with Nikonが開始!賞品はニコン一眼レフカメラ!



EyeEmで新ミッション「Paint the Town Yellow 」with Nikonが開始!賞品はニコン一眼レフカメラ!



よくわからないのは「Paint the Town Yellow」というミッション名に対し、投稿した時のアルバム(タグ)は「100 Shades of Yellow」になっていることw





About Mission

Yellow. It’s not a subtle color. From warning signs to the big ball in the sky, it probably captures the eye more than any other. And there’s no denying the distinct attraction of Nikon’s brand color! In celebration of their centennial anniversary, we’d love you to share your shots that focus on the theme of yellow – anything from eye-catching pops of color to the unapologetically bold and bright.


The Prize

One grand prize winner will win a D500 KIT AF-S DX 16-80 mm 1:2, 8-4 ED VR worth 3.329€.

One second prize winner will win a D7500 KIT AF-S DX 18-140 mm 1:3.5-5.6G ED VR worth 1.849€

Three runners up with each win a Key Mission 170 worth 399€

A selection of entries will also be displayed at NRW Forum – Düsseldorf’s international exhibition center showcasing photography, pop- and digital culture – as well as being featured online by EyeEm and Nikon.







Nikon デジタル一眼レフカメラ D500 レンズキット AF-S DX NIKKOR 16-80/2.8-4E ED VR D500LK16-80

Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

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