EyeEm My Stats Photo Competitions

EyeEm 新着ミッション「Wine Not」のコンテストサンプル写真に掲載されました!My pic was featured as Visual Inspiration of New Mission “Wine not” by ( evino ) on EyeEm!!



EyeEm 新着ミッション「Wine Not」のコンテストサンプル写真に掲載されました!



My pic was featured as Visual Inspiration of New Mission “Wine not” on EyeEm!!

Thank you so much EyeEm!!

Your Mission

We might not always associate wine with sporting events, music festivals, or holidays – but then again, “wine not?” Brazilian wine retailer ( evino ) wants to prove that every moment becomes unforgettable when you have a glass of wine in your hand, be it enjoying a barbecue or samba, at a party or watching your favorite TV show, at a big event or while relaxing at home. Show us your favorite wine moments using the tag “Wine Not”.

The Prize

Get your photos licensed and featured on EyeEm.


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Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

Twitter常駐。ストックフォトグラファー/ブロガー。インスタグラム/Twitterを中心にSNSの新機/アップデート最新情報を配信中。写真素材EyeEm/Getty Images/イメージナビ/Adobe Stock/スナップートなどで販売中です。その他各種製品本音レビュー掲載