
Enchanted by photographer Saul Leiter.and then…



was June 2017 that I known of Saul Leiter.
I usually don’t go photography exhibition.But I was curious about Saul Leiter when I watch his photographs on the web.and I decided to go to his exhibition.

Iwas often shooting pics exceptional compositions and perspectives, at still life/flowers/street and I love the exceptional shot.and I’m shooting at rainy night at street.sometimes I shoot glitch photographs.

So, I was enchanted by his works when I saw his special works at Shibuya Bunkamura.

And then… I started to shoot pics of Saul Leiter style as
“If Saul Leiter visit Tokyo Japan and shooting Shibuya city”
(for Japan “もしソール・ライターが渋谷を撮影したら。”).
I titled that “Enchanted by photographer Saul Leiter.and then…”
(for Japan”ソール・ライターに魅せられて”).

I’m so glad if you feel my pics as the style of Saul Leiter and enjoy.


Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

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