Amazon Lunaは、米では既に先行登録開始済み。
Amazon Luna+ アーリーアクセス 月額5.99ドル
- 早期アクセス料金$ 5.99 /月
- 無制限のプレイ時間
- ゲームのライブラリの拡大
- 最大1080p / 60fps(今後4Kまもなく)
- 一度に2つのデバイスでストリーミング
- PC、Mac、Fire TV、iPhoneおよびiPad用のWebアプリで再生
UBISOFTがAmazon Linaに参戦
- 無制限のプレイ時間
- DLCを備えたUltimateエディション
- タイトルを選択
- 最大1080p / 60fps(4Kは近日提供予定)
- 一度に1つのデバイスでストリーミング
- PC、Mac、Fire TV、iPhoneおよびiPad用のWebアプリで再生
- Designed for Amazon Luna – A high-performance controller made for Amazon’s cloud gaming service.
- Powered by Cloud Direct technology – Connects directly to Amazon’s custom game servers when playing on Luna, reducing roundtrip latency by 17 to 30 milliseconds vs. a local Bluetooth connection among PC, Mac, and Fire TV.
- Just pick up and play – Cloud Direct technology lets you easily switch gameplay between PC, Mac, Fire TV, iPhone, and iPad.
- Alexa’s got game – With Fire TV, press and ask Alexa to easily get to your games. Try “Alexa, play ‘GRID.’”
- Built for gaming – Low-friction thumbsticks, a comfortable textured grip, and wireless gameplay running on 2 AA batteries.
- Connect via Bluetooth and USB – Compatible with select PC, Mac, phone, and tablet games, even when not playing on Luna.