
FilmBlade Runner 2049 to Animation!This short episode(Anime) is scheduled on September 26, 2017 on Youtube, Japan. It is a prequel (27 years before) to the Blade Runner 2049



FilmBlade Runner 2049 to Animation!This short episode(Anime) is scheduled on September 26, 2017 on Youtube, Japan. It is a prequel (27 years before) to the Blade Runner 2049



30 years blank, leading to “Blade Runner 2049”. What is the Great Blackout in 2022 <Black Out 2022>?

Director Shinichiro Watanabe who continues to obtain high evaluation not only in Japan but also overseas, including “Cowboy Bebop”, “Animatrix” and “Samurai Champloo” received offers from Alcon Entertainment, a production studio of “Blade Runner 2049”, short animation “ Blade Runner Black Out 2022 “was decided to be produced.

This animation will be lifted on the channel on September 26 (Tue) 20:49. Do not miss it!


This short episode is scheduled on September 26, 2017 on Youtube, Japan. It is a prequel (27 years before) to the American film Blade Runner 2049 scheduled for October 04, 2017 in French cinemas.




Series of Sci-fi/Cyberpunk

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ブレードランナー ファイナル・カット 日本語吹替音声追加収録版 ブルーレイ(3枚組) [Blu-ray]

Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

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