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Instagram rolled out manage third party app in setting instagram security latest news Oct 2019




  1. プロフ右上メニューを開く
  2. 設定をタップ
  3. セキュリティをタップ
  4. アプリとウェブサイトをタップ
  5. 一覧を確認、削除など。


More Control Over the Data You Share with Third-Party Apps on Instagram

You can now manage your connections to third party services by going to “Settings” in the Instagram app. Next tap “Security,” then tap “Apps and Websites.” From there, you’ll have the option to remove any third-party services you no longer want connected to your Instagram account. When you remove a third-party service, they will no longer have access to new data on your account. 

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Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

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