追記!2018-04-25 4:37:23 AM
インスタグラム Data Download機能が実装されたのでダウンロード方法、手順をまとめました。
インスタグラム データダウンロード新機能提供開始!写真、コメント、プロフィール情報などをDL取得。バックアップ/エクスポート?の方法と流れ。Instagram最新情報
インスタグラム新機能 データダウンロード方法、手順。現状ブラウザからのみ?#インスタ #インスタグラム #Instagram #DataDownload #GDPR pic.twitter.com/8ugUpPGOnU
— KT (@Koukichi_T) April 24, 2018
Instagram is preparing new feature that it will download(export) your user data and content.Instagram latest news
Instagram will let you download your content after criticism about portabilityhttps://t.co/qRLbUGuHkv#Instagram #インスタグラム
— KT (@Koukichi_T) April 11, 2018
Instagram will let you download your content after criticism about portability
This tool could make it much easier for users to leave Instagram and go to a competing image social network. And as long as it launches before May 25th, it will help Instagram to comply with upcoming European GDPR privacy law that requires data portability.
We’re awaiting more info on whether you’ll only be able to download your photos, videos, and messages; or if you’ll also be able to export your following and follower lists, Likes, comments, Stories, and the captions you share with posts. It’s also unclear whether photos and videos will export in the full fidelity that they’re uploaded or displayed in, or whether they’ll be compressed.
Portability could facilitate the rise of legitimate competitors to Instagram, or at least let users back up their content on a image storage app or their own computer. But still, it’s Instagram’s social graph and the data it’s gathered about your interests that help it tune its algorithm to show you the most relevant posts. This personalization moat can leave rivals with similar features unable to provide a similar level of service.
If Instagram wanted to truly level the playing field, it would let you export your social graph in a privacy-safe format that would let users find and follow those same people on a different app. But the announcement of this data portability tool is a much needed first step to unlocking Instagram’s content vault.
EUにおける個人情報保護の規制強化 -日本企業も2018 年5 月までに「GDPR」への対応が必要 Symantec https://t.co/1yEUkJ1yuJ
— KT (@Koukichi_T) April 13, 2018
インスタ エクスポートの本当の理由がGDPRどうこうじゃなく、、ある種予定調和的、もしくは善後策的な何かなんじゃないかと考えてみるのも面白い
— KT (@Koukichi_T) April 15, 2018
インスタ エクスポート機能つけるならいっそインポート機能もつけてくれたらこれ叶いそうなのに
#届け #Instagram #インスタグラムhttps://t.co/BWjmpkbcqU— KT (@Koukichi_T) April 15, 2018
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