For Editors For Photographers

The best showing new way for photographs!Google launches AMP Story(Snapchat Stories)


The best showing new way for photographs!Google launches AMP Story(Snapchat Stories)

Looks likeX(旧X(旧Twitter)) moments or Instagram stories.


The best showing new way for photographs!Google launches AMP Story(Snapchat Stories)


“AMP stories are built on the technical infrastructure of AMP to provide a fast, beautiful experience on the mobile web,” said Rudy Galfi, product manager for AMP at Google, in a blog post.

The developer preview for AMP stories is available now — watch the tutorial to find out how to create them.

Select publishers involved in the development of AMP stories already have live examples. Simply search in your mobile browser for any of the following outlets: CNN, Conde Nast, Hearst, Mashable, Meredith, Mic, Vox Media and The Washington Post.






Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

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