Diary EyeEm

For editors/writers.Need inspirations? I’ll give it to you by my photography;) Stockphotos/EyeEm


Hi editors and writers around the world!

If you need inspiration.I’ll give it to you by my photography;)

I’m selling photos on EyeEm.

You can purchase my photos cheaper than Getty Images with EyeEm Market.

My abstract photos here

Let me know If you have any requests. I’ll shoot it then upload photos to EyeEm:)

Message:X(旧Twitter) or Instagram

Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

Twitter常駐。ストックフォトグラファー/ブロガー。インスタグラム/Twitterを中心にSNSの新機/アップデート最新情報を配信中。写真素材EyeEm/Getty Images/イメージナビ/Adobe Stock/スナップートなどで販売中です。その他各種製品本音レビュー掲載