Apple iOS

iOS12パブリックベータ版が配信開始!ミー文字/ARKit 2で複数人がARシーンを共有/使用時間が管理できるスクリーンタイムなど。Apple/iPhone/iOS最新情報



iOS12パブリックベータ版が配信開始!ミー文字/ARKit 2で複数人がARシーンを共有/使用時間が管理できるスクリーンタイムなど。Apple/iPhone/iOS最新情報


iOS 12 is all about making your phone work better | TechCrunch

The pace of iOS innovation has been so intense that even Apple  couldn’t keep up. In some ways, iOS 11’s main feature was that it was packed with bugs, with autocorrect bugs, messages arriving out of order and the Calculator app not calculating properly. iOS 12 is a nice change of pace.

“For iOS 12, we’re doubling down on performance,” Apple’s SVP of Software Engineering Craig Federighi said at WWDC.

While there are a few interesting new features, iOS 12 isn’t a splashy release like the ones that were released over the past few years. It doesn’t change the way you use an iPad and it doesn’t open up apps with new hooks across the board.

It’s clear that all the low-hanging fruit has been addressed. Now, Apple is mostly adding new frameworks for specific categories of apps instead of releasing major platform changes that affect all third-party apps.

And for the rest, it’s all about refinements, bug fixes and optimizations. Apple released the first public beta of iOS 12 today. I played a bit with early beta versions of iOS 12, so here’s what you should be looking for.





先日開催のWWDC 2018で発表あったあたりの機能が盛り込まれてる模様!個人的にはARと、場合によってはFacetimeのグループチャットあたり良さそうかなと


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Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

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