Snapmart Stock Photo Site Shibuya

I added stock photos “Blue Grotto SHIBUYA” to Snapmart!Christmas illumination “Blue Grotto SHIBUYA 2017



Shibuya Christmas illumination, blue cave SHIBUYA will be held in 2017 as well!

From the Marui in Shibuya to Yoyogi Park direction road “Koen-dori(park street)” to Yoyogi Park illuminate to blue again.



Blue Grotto Shibuya Official site


点灯時間:17:00~22:00 ※点灯時間は日によって変更となる場合がございます。



駐車場:なし (お車でのご来場は、ご遠慮ください。)

主催:「青の洞窟 SHIBUYA」実行委員会



So, I added a lot of photos of the blue cave SHIBUYA 2016 to Snapmart!



Snapmart:検索 > kt_pics 青の洞窟




Aside: the relationship between the blue cave and the Meguro River of gold


This event was canceled in 2015. Because it was judged to be dangerous because it was terribly crowded.





And in 2016 it revived as a blue cave at SHIBUYA!

Christmas illumination on the Meguro River also revived in the same year 2016! To gold!



And this time it seems that the blue cave SHIBUYA 2017 is determined to continue.

As for the Meguro River Christmas illumination of the current situation it is not that I do not care that the information does not rise … · · ·?



Because it is awesome, if you try to raise the picture in retrospect it will be long so I will upload it in a separate article.

Additional notes
I could hardly see it when I was a smartphone, but once I put it in a slideshow format here as well.


写真で振り返り:「Nakameguro 青の洞窟 2014」目黒川クリスマスイルミネーション !2017年も青の洞窟SHIBUYAとして開催決定!


写真で振り返り!神々しい黄金の目黒川「NAKAMEGURO JEWEL DOME 2016」クリスマスイルミネーション 中目黒。Nakameguro 青の洞窟中止の末、2016年ゴールドで復活!






青の洞窟 SHIBUYA 特別協賛は日清フーズ株式会社。この商品アピールのための企画ぽい。多分

Koukichi Takahashi @Koukichi_T

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